Muralee Thummarukudy writes about VentureVillage
More about Muralee Thummarukudy here
More about Muralee Thummarukudy here
Students who attended FutureCity and GreenCity courses by VentureVillage have shown tremendous improvement in learning outcomes.
VentureVillage – Future City & Green City Programs – Teaser Video#finland#education#positive#change#futureready
The representatives of VentureVillage Mr.Anup Jinadevan and Mr. Unnikrishnan Sreedhara Kurup together with Ms. Tuula Honkanen, ex-CEO of PHJ Oy, one of the largest waste management companies in Finland, met with MD Shri P Kesavan Nair and his team of Clean Kerala Company Limited at their office in Thiruvananthapuram. They discussed avenues of knowledge sharing…
VentureVillage team prepares for the sessions in November in schools across Kerala. The FutureCity and GreenCity program are ongoing currently. The preparations on going for the FutureCity planning session The VentureVillage team Standees have arrived Previous Next
Mr. Unnikrishnan S. Kurup (Partner & Co-founder) and Mr. Anup Jinadevan (Partner & Co-founder) from VentureVillage met with Ambassador Ms. Vani Rao and representatives of University of Helsinki Center for Continuing education HY+ (Helsingin yliopisto Koulutus- ja kehittämispalvelut HY+) Mr. Kimmo Kärpijoki (CEO) and Ms. Minna Saadé (International Project Manager). VentureVillage signed an MoU with HY+, University…