By vv_admin

On 31st May 2019, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) released a draft of National Education Policy (NEP). The policy, first framed in 1986, is undergoing its first revamp in more than 25 years. It aims at equipping Indian students with the necessary skills and knowledge to eliminate the shortage of skilled manpower in Science,…

FutureCity GamePlay Sessions

By vv_admin

Let the children play.. On 5th October, 2019, the VentureVillage Team in Helsinki was involved in a game play and software testing session for our FutureCity module. The session involved 10 students from Ressu High School (International Baccalaureate program) in Helsinki. The students helped the founders of VentureVillage, Mr. Anup Jinadevan and Mr. Unnikrishnan Kurup,…

Schools in Finland Get Their Students FutureReady. India Can Too

By vv_admin

Finland has been a by-word for high quality school education over the last 2 decades.The country has consistently performed at the top in international literacy and numeracy rankings since PISA rankings were first published in 2001. Ironically, the success of the Finnish system is rooted in the firm belief that schools should teach what young people need…

Significance of Role Play in Education

By vv_admin

How can you make a mundane history lesson come alive in a classroom? What is the best way to teach kids a play? How can we teach traffic rules to students in an interactive and fun manner? The answer to these questions might lie in asking kids to take up roles and to step into…